2024 KDPPSA Spring Show

The Kingston and District Poultry and Pet Stock Association hosted a very successful show on Sunday June 2nd, 2024. The show was dedicated to the memory of Dave Snider, one of the founding members of our Club, who passed away last year. The show was also a tribute to Bill Harrison who, although very much still active in the club, resigned as our show chair last year after more that 20 years of service in that role.

We had a good sized entry with 462 exhibits from 31 exhibitors. 58 large fowl, 193 bantams, 95 pigeons, 92 waterfowl, 6 rabbits, 3 turkeys, and 2 guineas were shown. We were especially pleased that 13 of our exhibitors were juniors. In our shows the juniors compete for the open show awards and are then judged again for junior awards, and several of our junior winners also placed highly in the open show.

We thank Troy Laroche (poultry), Jeff Draper (pigeons), and Jim Richards (rabbits) for doing a great job with the judging - thanks especially to Jeff for stepping in to help us out at the last minute.

Here are some images of the show hall. Click on any to

Some of the awards available.
Displays celebrated the folks to whom the show was dedicated.
Bill Harrison donated show boxes to our eight new junior exhibitors, and all juniors received OBP totes courtesty of Troy Laroche.

The Kingston and District Poultry and Pet Stock Association would like to thank everyone who helped to make our show a success. Thanks to our show chair Frank Goodfellow, and to everyone who helped to set up and run the show. Thank you to Cameron MacDougall/Heron Management; Kevin Smith/BDK Foam Insulation; Glenn Warner/Capital Moving, and Peter Moase/Impact Property Solutions for financial support. We are very grateful to Bill Harrison, who donated one of his custom show boxes to each of our new junior exhibitors, and Troy Laroche who donated OPB totes to all of our juniors. Thanks very much to Tthe Snider family: Brad, Bev, and Sarah, who ran an outstanding canteen that was the highlight of hte show. Last but not least, it was great to have Glen from Fancier's Specialty Company in attendance.

Award Winners

A full list of the award winners for the day can be found here as a PDF file.The award winners for the day are shown below (click on each image for a full-resolution version); further below you can find pictures of many of the winning exhibits.

Fred Fleming accepts the Jesce Cole Memorial Award for Champion Entry by a Junior. The award was donated by Bob and Carolyn Ridler.
William Bergen is presented the Ken Crawford Memorial Award for Best Large Duck. The award was donated by the Brushette Family.
Alex Wright won the Reg Watson Memorial Trophy for Best Leghorn. The trophy, and accompanying special, were donated by Dave & Bev Snider.
The Dave Walsh Memorial Trophy for Best Plymouth Rock was presented to William Bergen. The award was donated by the Wright Family.
Bev Snider presents Randy Cole with the Dave Snider Memorial Trophy for Best Wyandotte. The trophy and accompanying prize was donated by the Wright and Brushette Families. Randy also received the Pete Kortis Memorial Prize donated by Peter Aktin and Andrea Robson.
Randy Cole was awarded the Lewis Dow Memorial Trophy for Best Old English Game Bantam.
Bill Harrison won the Bill Harrison Award for Best Long Faced Clean Leg Tumbler.
Bill Harrison won the newly re-dedicated Bill Harrison Trophy for Champion Pigeon.
Bill Harrison won the Bob Dainard Memorial Trophy for Best Young Pigeon.
Melanie Wright was awarded the Wayne Heyman Memorial Trophy for Overall Show Champion.

Winning Exhibits

Champion Large Fowl, Reserve Champion Land Fowl, and Best Leghorn

White Leghorn Hen by Alex Wright

Best English and Reserve Champion Large Fowl

Dark Cornish Cock shown by Glen Jarrell

Best American and Best Plymouth Rock

Barred Rock Pullet shown by William Bergen

Best Asiatic

Dark Brahma Hen shown by Mike Franklin

Best Continental

Black Marans Hen by Brook Slater

Best Any Other Standard Breed

Black Breasted Red Old English Game Hen shown by Atkin & Robson

Champion Junior Large Fowl and Reserve Asiatic

Black Langshan Cock by Fred Fleming

Reserve Champion Large Fowl by a Junior

Light Brahma Cock shown by Johnny Krapiec

Best RCCL, Champion Bantam, and Champion Land Fowl

Golden Sebright Cock by Glen Brushette.

Best Featherleg and Reserve Champion Bantam

Black Cochin Hen by Greg Cole

Best Old English or American Game

Black Breasted Red OEG Hen by Randy Cole

Best Modern Game

Birchen Cock by Alexander Seeley

Champion Bantam by a Junior

Black Cochin Cock shown by Fred Fleming

Best SCCL & Reserve Champion Bantam by a Junior

Rhode Island Red Hen by Sarah Snider


Shamo Pullet by White's Poultry

Champion Pigeon

Domestic Flight Hen by Bill Harrison

Reserve Champion Pigeon

Racing Homer Hen shown by Bill Harrison

Best Fantail

Indian Fantail Hen shown by Joe Bell

Best Roller

Show Roller Hen by Bill Truscotte

Best Tippler or Tumber

Flying Tippler Hen by Frank Goodfellow

Champion Pigeon by a Junior

Canadian Show Roller Cock by Fred Fleming

Reserve Champion Pigeon by a Junior

Flying Roller Cock by Joseph Wright

Champion Rabbit and Overall Show Champion

Black Mini Rex Young Doe by Melanie Wright

Reserve Rabbit

English Lop Doe by Christina Lawson

Champion Rabbit by a Junior

Broken Mini Rex Buck by Sarah Snider

Reserve Champion Rabbit by a Junior

Satin Angora Young Doe by Sarah Snider

Champion Waterfowl and Champion Poultry

Black East Indie Young Duck by The Browns

Best Light Duck and Best Large Duck

Welsh Harlequin Drake by William Bergen

Best Heavy Duck

Aylesbury Duck by Tom Coulter

Best Medium Duck

Crested Drake by Tom Coulter

Best Goose

Toulouse Goose by Tom Coulter

Champion Waterfowl by a Junior

White Call Drake by Fred Fleming

Reserve Champion Waterfowl by a Junior

Grey Call Young Drake by Gunner Brown