The KDPPSA would like to thank all of our exhibitors for making the show a success. We thank our judges for a job well done, with special thanks to Jeff Waite for making himself available on short notice. Big thanks are due to the Quinte Pigeon, Poultry, and Pet Stock Association for a significant monetary donation to the show, and for donating the Bob Dainard Memorial trophy for the Champion Young Pigeon. We are also grateful to Lois Millen at Willows Agriservices for donating the shavings used at the show. We thank Glen Brosowski of the Fanciers's Specialty Company for visiting the show, and it was great to have the Feather Fancier Newspaper in attendance as well. We appreciate the donation of special awards from Dale Baker, Dave Snider, The Exhibiter Newpaper, and the Feather Fancier Newspaper. We are very grateful to Bill Harrison for doing his usual excellent job as show chair and for donating some of the very nice show boxes he makes to our new junior exhibitors. Thanks very much also to Chris Bos and Kirsten Miller whose excellent work with the canteen was appreciated by everyone in attendance. Last but not least, we would like to thank everyone who helped set up the show hall and run the show - we couldn't do it without you!
We were very pleased to welcome to the show the enthusiastic members of the South Frontenac 4-H Poultry Club. This was the first time at a poultry show for most of them, and we are very grateful to Judge Kroll for volunteering his time to give the visitors an excellent introduction to "the fancy." Each of the 4H members went home with a handsome poultry plaque courtesy of Dale Baker. Here are some pictures of Judge Kroll with the 4H group:
The award winners for the day are shown below (click on each image for a full-resolution version).