Strong classes included brahams (large fowl and bantam); games (large fowl and bantam); large fowl rhode island reds; bantam silkies, wyandottes, white rocks, and cochins; call ducks; homers; and indian fantails. Our judges were well known APA/ABA judge Jamie Matts from New York state on poultry, and veteran judge Robert Stephens on pigeons. Some picutres from the show are below.
The KDPPSA would like to thank all of our exhibitors for making the show a success, and we thank our judges for a job well done. Big thanks are due once again to Wayne Heyman for his very significant monetary donation to the KDPPSA which ensured the financial viability of the show and allowed us to increase the number of awards and prizes available considerably. We are also grateful to Lois Millen at Willows Agriservices for donating the shavings used at the show and for her contribution to the exhibitor's raffle. We are grateful to those who donated special awards for the show and/or items for our raffle: Greg Cole, Dave Snider, Melissa Seay, Bill Harrison, Alex Wright, Frank Goodfellow, Dave Walsh, Dale Baker, The Niblocks, Robert Stephens, Peter Atkin, The Exhibitor, and The Feather Fancier. It was great to have both of Canada's poultry publications present at the show! Brent, Dawn, and Aaron Niblock ran a great canteen. Last but not least, we thank Bill Harrison for doing his usual excellent job as show chair, and everyone who helped with setting up the show hall, clerking, and generally making the show run smoothly - we couldn't do it without your help!
The award winners for the day were:
Other winners for which we do not have images available include: