The Kingston Poultry Club

There has been an active poultry club in Kingston since at least the early 1900's. Indeed, we have in our Club records meeting minutes of the "Kingston Poultry, Pigeon, and Pet Stock Association" from 1910, that indicate that by that time the Club was well established. Indeed, records from the Kingston show in 1914 indicate that more than 80 exhibitors from as far as Toronto and Ottawa benched roughly 1200 poultry and pigeons. By the 1930's the organization was referred to as the "Kingston Poultry Association." Some images of the


In 1962, the Kingston Poultry Association split and two new Clubs were formed: the KDPPSA and the Lake Ontario Poultry Club. The two clubs had different focuses. The KDPPSA continued the Kingston Poultry Association's tradition of running poultry shows, while the LOPC focused more on game birds and importing breeding stock. There was considerable overlap between the memberships of the two clubs, and after several years the LOPC shut down, with its members (and Club resources) rejoining the KDPPSA.

The first KDPPSA meetings were held at the Kingston Fairgrounds. They were later moved to the Hartington Community Hall, and more recently the palace building at the Odessa Fairgrounds. The Club has held annual shows since 1963. Shows were initially held both at the Kingston Fairgrounds and at Odessa. In about 1975, arrangements were made for the Club to erect a permanent poultry building at the Odessa Fairgrounds, after which the majority of Club shows were held in Odessa.

Our Club crest, as painted by Kevin and Donna Gallagher, is shown below:

Old Kingston Poultry Association Documents

Here are a few images of the historical Kingston Poultry Assocation documents in our club records. These came from the estate of Joe White (which included his APA life membership certificate ), who was a long time secretary of the Club, and a well known breeder and exhibitor of White Wyandottes. The documents were saved by long time KDPPSA members Dave Snider and Reg Watson.

Here are the old meeting minutes books (1910-1930's) and show log book (1914). (Click an image to enlarge).

These images show the exhibitors list from the 1914 Kingston Show:

Here is a letter from the secretary of the Kingston Poultry Association with the 1937 club financial statement. It is interesting to note that that year the Club received grants from both the City of Kingston and the Government of Ontario.

KDPPSA Historical Documents

This sections contains some historical KDPPSA documents.

Here are some newspaper clippings taken from the Feather Fancier and The Bird's Eye Review. Where appropriate, the year of publication has been noted in parentheses at the top of the clipping. If you find the clippings difficult to read, your browser's "zoom in" option may be helpful. Some images can be enlarged by clicking on them.


From the estate of Dave Snider, we have a few club mailings from 1971 including a show report , the Club Bulletin and a club newsletter.

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